Terms & Conditions

To ensure the smooth running of the website we at wegal have for our customers and visitors some terms and conditions. Upon using the website or be in a business with us or simply accessing and browsing our website, you will be agreeing to our terms and conditions. Thus it is advisable that you read our terms and condition before using our website.

We grant access to our website only to those who are 18 years of age or above. Thus it we see that a Customer or a visitor of this website happens to be a minor or whose age is less than 18 years then we want to mention that we have the right to terminate them and deny access to our website. But if a minor is needed to open an account or use or website, it is suggested that their legal guardian act for him or her.

Handling your account
In order to login to our website, you have to enter a user name and as well as a password and it is requested that you do not share these with anyone else including our other CUSTOMERS of our website. We will not be responsible for the consequences which will take place when you share your password. It is you who will be at risk and thus it is suggested that you do not share your personal information.

Our Right for termination
We would like all our customers to provide only the right and as well as current information. If we see or find out that a Customer has provided information which is not true or inaccurate then we want to mention that we have the right to terminate the account immediately. We will also terminate an account if we see that obscene or abusive language or content is used by any Customer or visitor of this website.

Use of our website
We want to provide an effective and user friendly website and to some extent our visitors and CUSTOMERS are responsible for this. We want that our CUSTOMERS and visitors do not do anything which is not in the terms and conditions of our website. If we see that one is not keeping at par with our terms and conditions then we will terminate that account of the Customer or ban a visitor to come on the website. So, do make sure that you as a Customer or visitor:

• Do not use immoral content or language.
• Do not use account which belongs to another user.
• Do not use inaccurate or false information while making a transaction.
• Do not use “spider”, “deep-link”, “robot” and/or “page-scrape”.
• Do not hack someone account.

Content posted on the website
When posting something on our website we at MS Trading except that all Designs of Cloths, logos, artwork, photos, trademarks used are no recopied or immoral in nature as it can lend to termination of your account.